
Haruki+Phelan Bio

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Bio: Haruki was abandoned at a temple when she was a baby and was taken in by the priestesses to be raised. She loved the sisters their and made it a top priority to be one of the best trained priestesses and by the age of 5 she was far more advanced in the teachings then the other children their...this unfortunately left Haruki with few friends other then the animals that wandered the gardens and one other girl named Amaya Etsuko who arrived at the convent around the same time as Haruki. Haruki didn’t care however about the other long as she had the sisters, Amaya and the animals that was enough for her, she was by no means selfish. Around Harukis 7th birthday she began to develop a strange power….speaking to the animals. At first the sisters thought it was a child’s game Haruki developed but soon she began telling the animals what they should do…and they were listening. Haruki was having the animals pull pranks against those who would upset her during the day or those whom Haruki believed needed a little cheering up. The sisters thought it was a strange coincidence at first but they eventually noticed Haruki’s little “planning sessions” with the animals. The sisters told the head priestess about the child’s powers and the head priestess told the other sisters to bring Haruki before her. The other sisters agreed and gathered Haruki to bring her before what they thought would be punishment for the chaos Haruki was causing, the high priestess did address the pranks but that was not her main purpose for calling Haruki before her. The high priestess saw Haruki as a prodigy, the finishing factor to a prophecy told long ago of a child who would once again bring together the magical spirit world and the physical world, separated millennia ago. The high priestess took Haruki out of her normal schooling and under the high priestesses wing for personal training in the old teachings…perhaps Haruki could reconnect the worlds. By the age of 9 Haruki was ready the high priestess believed and Haruki was given the task of contacting the spirit world so long ago forgotten after man no longer believed in magic or spirits. Unfortunately Haruki failed her first attempt…the high priestess’s hopes were shattered…perhaps man could never reconnect with the magic that once inhabited the world. Haruki was sent back to normal classes but she couldn’t avoid the curiosity that surrounded the high priestesses teachings, she had also become even more of an outsider at this point and had garnered jealousy from not only Amaya and the other children but from the sisters she had come to love so much…she was destined to be the next high priestess and this had left her alone again. Haruki in order to avoid her sadness kept trying what she had been taught, the way to connect to the spirit world, even though she was no longer given the task. One night shortly after her tenth birthday something different happened…she finally got through to the forgotten world. She came into contact with a being in the garden known as Phelan that resembled a wolf, but it spoke to her unlike the other animals…not with their mind…but in human tongue. Phelan introduced himself and told her that he has had his eyes on her for four years now. Haruki shocked asked why then that he didn’t show himself before and left her to be shamed in the eyes of the high priestess. Phelan answered her quickly, “You weren’t doing it for yourself before…you were doing it for the priestess. I am not here to be used by a priestess in renewing her hopes of a combination of our worlds once more, I’m here because of you”. Haruki was shocked by the wolfs words…could it be true that she really didn’t do it for herself before? Was she being used? Phelan chuckled and replied to her…”You may have been used but don’t be mistaken…the priestess truly did care for you, but she’s just no fun”. Haruki confused asked Phelan what he meant by no fun? And he replied “she has forgotten the importance of mischief in the spirit world…for if no one is drawn by a curiosity and mischief of what can be gotten away with then they lose that connection to magic they had as a child”. Haruki now understood why he was watching her…Haruki’s pranks had gotten his attention…they amused him, perhaps that was the secret to magic after all. Phelan told Haruki that if she would make a pact with him to never loose that spirit and keep him amused…then he would become her friend and ally for all that would be to come…for their was more to a pact then having a spirit accompany you. Haruki confused asked what he meant by this and Phelan explained “once you have been connected to the spirit world…you have a duty you agree to uphold” curious Haruki asked what he meant…and he told her. “You will be in charge of destroying the evil spirits and demons that hide in the world unnoticed or ignored by others, it is your creed and your destiny and you will follow it to the end of your days”. Haruki could not believe what she was hearing…this meant all the stories of monsters and demons were true…they were just being passed off as fairy tails by mankind in order to live without a fear of the unknown…which was obviously true by the existence of Phelan himself. Haruki slightly dazzled by the idea of it all told Phelan…she doesn’t have the strength to fight demons…what could she do? She was only a girl. Phelan told her…she wouldn’t have to, if she agreed he would fight for her. Haruki asked how that could work for she wouldn’t be doing anything in that case, Phelan chuckled and told her that “We can only fight if we are connected to the human world…without human aid I could not access the powers needed to defend humanity and spirit alike from the evils that plague both our worlds”. Haruki replied that she didn’t understand how she could help…she didn’t know of any powers let alone any true existence of spirits before now. Phelan replied “After we join you will be given access to my soul and the powers will make themselves known to you when you need them most…and afterwards they would be available for any future need…almost like your mind was a book”, this scared Haruki even more at first but she knew that if she did this…she would never have to be alone again she would have Phelan. Haruki after thinking on it for a while agreed and Phelan explained what she would need to do…He told her of a jewel that would be hidden in the forest that needed to be filled with the blood of both herself and Phelan and the pact would be forged, the following night he would return and she would begin her quest. Haruki slept very little that night wondering if she really had it in her to do what she had agreed to, when she finally fell asleep a dream came to her…it was a dream that would be a hint to her on where she would find the gem that Phelen spoke of, it felt so real she could swear she smelled every scent…she was running through the forest while dogs and men with torches followed her…it was a frightening dream and it felt so real. The next evening Haruki returned to the garden as Phelan asked and he was waiting for her…he was going to accompany her on the search, curious Haruki asked that if he knew where the gem was wouldn’t it be cheating to go with her…and that’s when she learned that Phelan DID NOT know where the gem was…he explained to her that many many seasons ago one of the last priestess’s sealed it away from humankind somewhere in the forest surrounding the temple after being seen as a witch…she knew that if she was caught that she would be killed and the gem would be destroyed and mankind would be without hope of aid from the spirits. Haruki asked how they were going to find it and Phelan asked her if she slept well last night…Haruki knew what he meant…the former pact spirit of the priestess must have given the dream to her in order for her to find the gem and carry out the priestesses final wish. Phelan and Haruki snuck off into the woods then, as the night passed one of the sisters learned that Haruki was not in her room…she immediately went to the high priestess in order to report the missing child. The high priestess was greatly upset by this news…Haruki was her pupil, the one who would take over her search after she had passed from this world and she ordered a full search be assembled to find her. Haruki and Phelan had already made it quite a way into the woods by the time the sisters had assembled a search party…unbeknownst to the two. Haruki was leading Phelan…she could see the path she took in the dream as clear as a picture now…and it drove her and Phelan on…farther and farther into the woods. The two were no longer alone now however…something was following them…they could sense it, who or what it was however they did not know. Haruki and Phelan quickened their pace for Phelan warned her that without the pact being complete he would be unable to protect her if anything hostile was following them…right now he was only a spirit. Another hour passed and the being that was following them stopped for some reason…this was unusual to both of them but they were glad they were safe for the time being now anyway, after some time they came upon an old well overwhelmed by nature and beginning to crumble…Haruki knew they were at the right place…but how would they ever find a gem in a well? Phelan told Haruki he would scout for the gem first since he could not drown as a spirit and he jumped in, only a few minutes passed and Phelan returned to Haruki with news….it wasn’t really a well. Haruki asked what he meant and Phelan explained it was the entrance to a tunnel system that was made to look like a well, likely to avoid drawing attention to the caves below. Haruki knew that if she came this far she needed to finish what she started and she entered the well, after some time searching they managed to find a room in the cave with writing on the walls, it was strange writing that were impossible to Haruki to translate with her limited knowledge but they did notice a box on a pedestal of rock, she opened it to find the gem they had searched so diligently for, their journey was finally over, Phelan tripped over a rock and it was then he noticed that he had manifested…perhaps that was what the writing in the cave was for. Haruki asked if he was okay as he stumbled back to his feet and Phelan explained to her he was fine, and began to explain to her what needed to be done next. They needed to each fill the gem with some of their blood…a slight cut of the finger would probably do for the gem was not very large, Haruki hesitantly agreed, Phelan asked her to hold out her hand and Haruki did…and then Phelan bit her finger. Haruki snatched her hand back up in pain crying and Phelan apologized, “Don’t waste the blood” he said and she held her bleeding finger over the gem…after the gem was half way full Phelen instructed her to remove the gem from the pedestal and he would add his blood…and with that being said he clawed a gash in his upper front leg and instructed Haruki to place the gem beneath the wound in order to seal the pact. The gem filled the rest of the way with Phelan’s blood and the pact was sealed…Haruki suddenly became able to translate a line of words on the wall…curiously she spoke the words and Phelan’s wounds healed instantly…Phelan was even shocked by this, she had learned her first spell…and the pact was finalized. Haruki and Phelan began to head back to the temple when they heard a sharp scream come from the path ahead…they rushed to find out what it was and arrived on a woman being stabbed with a katana through the back by a strange bird type being while the ground was littered with the dead and dying. Phelan tensed up and growled immediately…for he knew what it was. Haruki asked Phelan what was going on and he explained that it was a Tengu…a bird demon that grew more powerful from the death and pain of its victims, Haruki noticed something about the victim they stumbled upon…it was a woman wearing the robes of the temple…to be exact all of the victims were. Haruki knew what was following them now, it was the Tengu, and knew why it stopped, the high priestess had sent a search party…more to gain from hunting them then hunting a girl and a wolf. Haruki couldn’t stand by she had to help…so she told Phelan to get ready, He prepared himself for the first battle he would ever have in the real world…and with Haruki’s word he attacked. The bird was caught off guard by the giant wolf and quickly made to stumble back from his victim. The Tengu turned to Phelan and glared at him with a look of anger, It raised its katana and charged Phelan, Haruki knew Phelan was much faster then a bird in bulky armor and thus he was able to dodge the attack throwing the Tengu demon off balance. Haruki shouted for Phelan to take advantage of this moment and he charged the demons back knocking him to the ground…Haruki knew that If the creature was on the ground it wouldn’t be attacking with the sword any time soon. Phelan went in for a kill bite but the Tengu forced itself up knocking Phelan to the ground and with that it grabbed its sword and quickly turned slicing Phelan…Haruki shocked quickly called out to Phelan and he forced himself up…he knew he needed to kill the creature before it could get another hit in on him or he would be in serious trouble. Haruki shouted out to Phelan to try and take out the creatures legs since its bulky armor left it open to loosing its balance easier…Phelan quickly charged the Tengu but the Tengu simply stepped to the side before Phelan’s attack could connect, it could tell this was the giant wolfs first battle in a long time. With Phelan’s passing the Tengu took a quick swipe to the wolfs back with its katana knocking Phelan to the ground once more…The Tengu prepared to
finish Phelan off when Haruki remembered the words she had learned…Varun Tasacamo Nicto and with those words and a set of gestures that came to her the wounds on Phelan healed and he managed to dodge the Tengu’s attack…Phelan smirked at the stumbling Tengu and took the time to taunt it by saying “Obviously your intelligence hasn’t evolved much from your tiny relatives” and with that he charged the Tengu once again, the Tengu knew it was coming this time and quickly flipped itself over on its back with its sword held out in an attempt to impale Phelan…but by the time it did Phelan was no longer before it…the confused bird forced itself up and charged at Haruki in anger at the games they were playing but before it got to her it felt a sharp pain on the back of its neck before falling over dead…Phelan had snuck behind the bird and severed its spine in the neck region…the bird demon fell over dead and Phelan looked to Haruki. He was quite at first and the bloody mouth of Phelan shocked Haruki some but he lightened the mode by saying “good fight kid…but maybe next time we can kill our enemy before having to heal my butt” he smirked and turned to look at the woman on the ground. “they’re not all dead yet…maybe if we hurry we can save at least a few, ill carry them” Haruki asked if it would even be possible for him to and Phelan jokingly stated “What do you think I am? A poodle”, Haruki laughed a little…it was needed in a situation like this. Haruki managed to  gather up the four not yet dead and place them on Phelan’s back and they returned to the temple. The high priestess immediately rushed out after seeing what had happened and asked what was going on. Haruki explained that the search party she sent wandered into Tengu territory, she explained that her and Phelan helped who they could but unfortunately three were dead. The high priestess immediately noticed the wolf who was carrying the wounded and asked Haruki what was going on…Haruki told her she would explain later but the injured needed help. The high priestess quickly called for some of the other sisters to help the injured and quickly get the wounds cleaned. Afterwards Haruki explained everything to the confused high priestess, she could only smile afterwards…she knew that finally the two worlds had some form of contact again…her self driven mission was finally beginning to take shape. Haruki and Phelan were allowed to stay at the temple together and all but one of the wounded survived thanks to the teams brave rescue. They would continue to fight the supernatural…but that’s another story      

Extra:(examples shown)
-Haruki isn’t like most girls and has no curious interest about men…after being raised in a temple all her life she came in to contact very rarely with men so it has not crossed her mind…she is extremely close to Phelan however
-Haruki and Phelan are trouble makers…they are constantly pulling pranks on people and this has gotten them in trouble MANY times in the past
- Haruki does not keep Phelan sealed like some pact holders, wherever she goes Phelen can be seen following so many people find it strange…and very few can stop the two from entering a place where dogs aren’t allowed
-They are being hunted by TEMPLAR….an order assembled to find and eliminate witches and demons.
Haruki/Phelan Bio for :iconthecureoct:
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